Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Caterpillar and the Worm

We're having to write another love poem today, so once again, with my lack of experience in this field, I just have to try my best and put something forward.

The Caterpillar and the Worm

Worm sees Caterpillar,
Caterpillar sees Worm.
Worm asks, "Caterpillar,
why do you eat so?"
Caterpillar responds, "Worm
it is so that I may
become a beautiful butterfly
come the spring."

Caterpillar sees Worm,
Worm sees Caterpillar.
Caterpillar calls, "Worm
why do you eat so?"
Worm responds, "Caterpillar,
I can only eat dirt
and grow larger and larger.
But change I will not."

1 comment:

Robin said...

:) Change don't come easy...and often not at all!

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